You at Yours

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Why I don't do before and after photos...

Before and after images. We’ve all seen it before. On the left an image of a woman in a particular state (usually looking like a state!), maybe at home in the kitchen with really poor lighting. The worse the better. Let’s see those wrinkles and loose skin! C’mon!!! And then on the right an image of the same women on a bed, on their back with a feather boa, soft lighting, doe-eyed, “sexy”.

I was given some “advice” recently that I should put up before and after photos of my clients so people can see the transition. 

News flash: there is no transition. There is you and then there is you. ⁠

What kind of body confidence advocate would I be if I was posting images suggesting that one was better than the other?! That's implying that the before photo is inadequate/imperfect/wrong etc. which I certainly don't believe.⁠

My job is to get you to understand that you're amazing just as you are. This isn't a makeover photoshoot. There is no Matthew Kelly waiting for you as you emerge through the smoke looking like Diana Ross (though we most certainly can sing it if it makes you feel good!). You will not be photoshopped within an inch of recognition.⁠

And yes, when you have a shoot with me, you'll most definitely look different in your outfit and the lighting and the shadows etc., and you'll feel different too, but this is a mindset. How you look is irrelevant. You might not think so as you stress about your tummy or your arms but the key to body confidence is leaning into the idea that these things are a part of you and they're functioning just perfectly. They will fluctuate and change as life goes on and that's totally okay. Understanding and believing that as a basis is what body confidence is.⁠

There is no perfect. There is no right. There is no after. There is just you. And you're flippin' incredible.⁠
⁠Want to learn more? Enquire here !
Merv x