You are a work of art,
you just haven’t
seen it yet!

London Boudoir & Body Confidence Photography

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Boudoir & Body Confidence
Photography in London

You at Yours Photography provides people with an experience that helps them witness and celebrate the true beauty and strength that they carry, without the need for Photoshop and filters, all through the art of photography.

Seeing yourself as a piece of art is the perfect method to learning to love your body, just as you are.

It is the experience itself that will provide you with a reminder that you are courageous and strong. For most people, having their photo taken half-naked is most certainly overcoming a huge fear! Doing this successfully PLUS walking away with some beautiful art under your arm, with you as the subject, is where the magic happens!

After working with over 600 women, it would be safe to say that whilst the images always turn out incredible, this is more than a photo shoot.

This is a life-changing experience…





My name’s Mervyn and my goal is to get as many people as possible to celebrate and love themselves a little more. I know, I’m crazy!

This passion started out off the back of many people around me being really hard on themselves (and each other):

“I’m too fat/skinny”
“I wish I had their ________(fill in the blank)”
“Look at my pasty skin. Look at my milk bottle legs”
“What do YOU have to complain about? At least you don’t have _____(fill in the blank)”

Our brains are fuelled with expectations of what we should look like, so much so that we often time resent ourselves for not fitting into this mould and forget to appreciate what we do have.

So I decided to switch my photography skills from weddings towards the concept of better body confidence for all. I now have an amazing team of people working alongside me, all on board with the same mission!

I’ve been voted London’s Best Boudoir Photographer 3 times, I teach Nude photography and have spoken on numerous podcasts and at several events/conferences!

Consent + Privacy

are everything

This may be the first time you’ve ever considered doing anything like this (apart from that one time in Vegas, but we won’t mention that!). Because of the nature of this work, consent is explicitly required for this type of experience in the form of a contract, which is signed by both parties.

As for your privacy, your images shouldn’t be seen by anyone without your explicit permission. At the photo reveal, we discuss which photos (if any) you’re okay with being seen by the public (via social media or on this website).


…you do not need to be a model!


The truth is that NOBODY knows how to pose, yet EVERYBODY expects they should know how to!

It’s our job to guide to you through the entire process so you’re looking your best! A body confidence shoot is all about acceptance, love and celebration of your body, whatever your shape and size.

However, it’s important for you to keep in mind that this kind of shoot may not be for you if you’re expecting lots of Photoshop to adapt how you look. Whilst I will make minor changes (such as spots and bruises), I don’t use Photoshop, as using it would conflict with my goal of getting you to accept, love and celebrate your true self - not an altered version.

You are perfect as you are - you just haven’t seen it yet!


Luxury Products

Digital files are great but think for a moment: where will they be in 3 years? Keeping your photos on your phone will no doubt result in them getting lost amongst a sea of selfies, puppies and pictures of donuts…or is that just us?! 🍩

Invest in yourself with something tangible like one of our luxury albums, or Confidence Cards (ask to see this- we’re in love with this product!) or even your very own App. Physically being able to see, feel and own the day that you overcame your fears and looked your best will be a constant reminder of the beauty and power you possess.




The latest on Instagram…