You at Yours

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Body Confidence Photography in London

The Beauty of Boudoir

If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard women (and sometimes men) say things like “I’ll go on that holiday when I’ve lost the weight”, or “I’ll start dating when I’m two stone lighter”.

Now, call my crazy, but if life has taught me anything it’s that the moment in time you’re waiting for; the one where you feel ready to take life by the horns – yea, that never comes. Especially when it comes to goal weights.

Trust me when I say that you’ll likely never feel truly ‘ready’ to do anything scary; you’ll always be self-conscious and terrified of what others may think, maybe even what you yourself may think. But if you, yes you sitting at home reading this, if you could only see what I’ve seen in my time capturing women’s beauty, you’d understand why I’m such an advocate of a carpe diem mentality.

Every day, I watch women blossom – all kinds of women in all shapes and sizes – from timid and anxious to confident queens who are owning what they’ve got. It's the main reason I love doing body confidence photography.

Understand that one of the keys to body confidence is avoiding all comparisons to other people. I appreciate that in today’s society, that’s a lot easier said than done. We only have to open Instagram and we’re bombarded with the edited highlight reel of another person’s life and body. It’s so easy to become obsessed and self-critical. “If only I had her boobs”, “If my legs were skinnier, I’d wear mom jeans like hers”, or “If I had abs like that, I’d live in bikinis”. Sounds familiar, right? Ladies, please don’t do this to yourself. I know it sounds cheesy, but trust me when I say that:

  1. We always want what we don’t think we have. We’re conditioned to be like that. That age-old phrase ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’ is so applicable here. We only think it’ll make us happy because we’re not happy with what we’ve got, we always want more, and we believe happiness will come once we’ve got that elusive thing: be it greener grass or a flat tum.

  2. Within every woman is a magic that’s unique to her. I know how that sounds. Let me just reach into my bag and get out my reiki cards. No, but seriously, I’ve seen it flow from every woman I’ve worked with. It just takes a little tapping into; a gentle push for it to shine and bring out the intrinsic beauty in every woman.

There will never be a better time for you to unleash that inner power. Never. In fact, part of my photography ethic leans on the idea that capturing your REAL beauty means snapping you at your most genuine – the ‘you’ that exists all year round, not just for 3 months of the summer.

That’s why I don’t edit, that’s why I photograph you as naturally as possible, that’s why we spend time getting to know each other before the shoot, and that’s why I’d so, so much rather photograph you right now, as you are. Not in two months after a miserable 6 weeks at Weight Watchers.

Lady, let’s do this together. Let me bring out a whole side of you that you never knew existed.

Book your shoot!