Mature Boudoir in London
Okay so, I might be a man in his 30s, but trust me when I say that I’ve spoken to enough women to at least sympathise with (if not understand) the struggles that come with aging as a woman. The changes that happen, after giving birth or going through menopause, can be difficult to deal with, and that’s not even including the usual tribulations of life in general. Watching your body change through the years can be weird at the best of times, but the process of ageing needn’t be a negative one – far from it.
Okay, I’ll break this down. I’ve got two main points on this one.
1. Bodies change and that’s cool.
Our bodies change all the time. Even as a bloke, my teenage body was a lot different to the one I have now, and the one I’ll have at 50 will definitely be different to the one I’m currently rocking too. It doesn’t mean the body I’ll have when I’m 50 is better or worse than the one I had at 16. It’s the same body in the sense that it’s the same heart and mind existing within them, but otherwise it’s completely different. The one I have now has lived and travelled, developed and experienced life in a way that my teenage body hadn’t. The body I’ll have at 50 will have been through even more. It’s crazy to image that your body won’t change as you age – of course your body has changed in the last 20 years – 20 whole years have gone by! All the amazing experiences and testing challenges you face will have an impact on you physically, and those changes should be badges of honour, celebrated for their meaning, not begrudged for their existence.
2. Wear your badges with pride.
In a similar vein to my last point, ageing, wrinkles, stretch marks, grey hairs, and that 10-15 pounds you wish you could drop are what make you who you are. They’re symbolic of the time you’ve enjoyed, the things you’ve braved and the life you’ve lead. They’re all marks and ‘imperfections’ to be proud of. Each wrinkle is there because you’re there. It’s a sign that you’ve lived, smiled with all your heart and survived everything that life has thrown at you thus far.
I guess my take-away point here is that ageing happens, and the way we perceive the process is so messed up. Beauty is in the lives we’ve lead and the things we’ve done; it’s in who we are now. When I photograph someone, I work to capture their best, most natural essence. No Photoshop, only what’s there before me; it’s beautiful. And let me tell you now, as someone who’s seen it first hand, beauty has nothing to do with age.
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