is this for you?

👇🏽i made this video based on your answers👇🏽


…so you wanna love yourself more…

You at Yours was created with the sole purpose of encouraging and celebrating Body Confidence among every person of all shapes and sizes. This is done through the art of photography, without the use of any filters or Photoshop.


…let’s help you discover the beauty that you hold…

After working with over 600 people, it has become evident that the lack of self-confidence (and often-time self-esteem ☹️) is almost always due to a mental block. You at Yours helps those that step forward to see themselves from a different perspective…


…social norms on how you “should” look have done enough…

Social media, the general media, advertising, even our own peers - it’s incredible the amount of expectation that surrounds the way we feel we “should” look. At You at Yours, we help you head towards the notion of first accepting who you are and then loving them, just as they exist…


…it’s about time we celebrated you…just as you are!



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© 2021 You at Yours Photography. All Rights Reserved.