You at Yours

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You Do NOT Need To Know How To Pose!

You do NOT need to know how to pose to have this experience.

If I had a pound for every person who told me they didn't know how to pose I’d have about £727!

The reality is that nobody knows how to pose. If you look at my Instagram feed, you might think those people knew, but I can promise you: none of them had a clue what they were doing.

All you need to do is show up and be yourself.

My job is to help you and guide you, show you how you can bring out that side of you that already exists, you just haven’t explored it yet. Every single person I've ever met has it, every single one.

There's a body of water that lives within you, it's just hidden, hidden away because the world thinks you're not enough or too much, or at least that’s the message you are receiving.

My job is to bring that magic out, and then show you how to work with your wonder, how to love yourself and accept that side of you.

Therefore, you do not need to know how to pose. I completely understand you feel that pressure, it’s almost as if there was a lesson at school that you missed, just you!

So please, be fair and kinder to yourself, you're still learning how to love yourself and it's a journey!

Just show up, and I promise you, not only you will be accepted in this space, but you will thrive in it, and you will think to yourself: "How on Earth did I go this long without understanding this about myself?".

It's incredible to watch.

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